
Modern Georgian Protest Songs


Representations Chechen Republic Ichkeria in Finland and Norway

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Thu, 20 Jul 2000
From: Georgiangirl6336@aol.com

Hello, Dear Prime Minister

I'm very sorry that I can't address you in Georgian but I live In US. I've been a supporter of President Zviad Gamsakhurdia since I was 20. My Grandmother and our President's Mother have been dear friends so I love him dearly, always have and always will. For me He's not dead, he will live as long as our Georgia lives and our Motherland will live forever.

I was the Student in Tbilisi University, I was studying Law, in 1992 I was going to graduate, I wrote my Diploma Theme about the history of our Country's independence and I described everything what happened in Georgia in 1992: I even mentioned that President Bush and the State Secretary Baker were behind it. The day when I had to defend my Theme, all of my Professors demanded from me that they weren't going to let me graduate until I was going to change my Theme. I refused and left the University. It happened in May 15 of 1992, that day there was a Meeting in president Gamsakhurdia's house so I went there and it was even announced in there that I've left the University.

In 1993, Joseliani's "men" tried to kill me in my house but my neighbors saved me. We left Georgia in 1994 and came in US. Our, mine and my Mother's, Political Asylum have been granted in here.

I'm 33, I live in New Jersey and I'm going to graduate Law School soon. I think that I can do something for our Country, I can't just sit in here and do nothing, I've been at all Meetings and Demonstrations before April of 1989, after that time, and after the Putch and I want to do something now. Please let me know, Dear Prime-Minister, how can I help?

Tamara Gugunishvili

[This letter is Russian Win 1251 format]
Многоуважаемый господин Гугушвили! 

Общественность в Украине также протестует против войны в ЧРИ как и в Польше, Грузии, Турции и других странах. 26 марта в день выборов президента России группа Международная амнистия в Одессе провела пикет возле консульства РФ. Были лозунги антивоенного содержания 500 человек милиции охраняло подходы к консульству Все прошло мирно. Газеты это событие проигнорировали, за исключением демократической газеты "ЮГ". Вот такая информация. 

Всего Вам доброго! Станислав Огоровый
журналист, противник войны в Чечне.

From: "stanislav ogorovy" <stanislav_ogorovy@nm.ru>
Date: Sat, 13 May 2000

Добрый день, многоуважаемый господин Гугушвили! 

Я, Станислав Огоровый из Одессы, занимаюсь преподаванием прав человека в школе. 26 марта в день выборов Путина в Одессе было проведено пикетирование консульства РФ на тему прекращения войны в Чечне. В Украине сегодня существуют 5 информационных центров по Чечне- Киев, Львов  ОДЕССА. активно работает одесская группа международной амнистии. Но по активности в поддержку народа Чечни по моему стоит на первом месте в мире - Польша.  

Я желаю Вам удачи. 
С ув.stanislav_ogorovy@ newmail.ru

[This letter is Russian Win 1251 format ]
(Peace March planned from Georgia - Azeri, Armenia, Kazahstan, Russia, Belorus, Baltics, Europe)

Gulua st. 6, Tbilisi,Georgia
Tel:(899) 56-02-51; 98-93-53
Fax:(899) 98-93-53
e-mail: solonani@yahoo.com
к общественным, государственным и др. организациям Грузии,
ко всему грузинскому народу

Второй раз за последние шесть лет на чеченской земле идет беспрецедентная, варварская война, возможно, являющаяся частью большого сценария. Это- война без правил, которая кровавым несмываемым пятном ложится на совесть всех равнодушных, нанося непоправимый ущерб делу мира и демократии, прогрессу человечества.

Стало ясно, что все общепризнанные нормы и законы Международного права, малоэффективны против грубой силы, ставящей мировое сообщество в зависимость от себя. Другими словами - от интерессов и политики отдельных лиц, обладающих силой и властью, т.к. в мире не выработан механизм защиты от подобных чеченскому, сценариев. Если не решить эту проблему, то пожар войны может расшириться... Свидетельством тому нерешенные междугосударственные и внутригосударственные конфликты и противоречия, раздирающие народы и государства мира, которые как тлеющие угли легко могут охватить огнем весь мир. Ожесточенность в человеческом обществе сегодня достигла критической точки и злу, катастрофически расширяющемуся в мире, необходимо противопоставить Добро и здравый смысл, объединившись- спасти мир и наше будушее. Мы- представители народа, на протяжении веков, пролившего на своей древней земле море крови в борьбе за свою свободу, уничтожаемые, от новорожденных до глубоких стариков, гонимые со своей разрушенной и обездоленной земли, преследуемые по надуманным и необоснованным предлогам, сградающие из-за беззакония и произвола в мире, неотступные в своей праведной борьбе, в последней надежде на понимание и поддержку...

О возобновлении, приостановленного из-за чинимых препятствий деструктивнимы силами, Международного Марша Мира под эгидой: Мир и Права Человека.
Целью Марша является:
1. Объединение сил Добра, Справедливости и Человеколюбия против зла и насилия, несправедливости и человеконенавистничества.
2. Прекращение российско-чеченской и других войн.
3. Урегулирование межнациональных, внутринациональных конфликтов и противоречий. Сбор подписей за признание права чеченского народа на
4. Создание Всемирного Центра Защиты Прав Человека, с наличием реального механизма действия, являющегося посредником справедливого  законного урегулирования любых спорных вопросов и конфликтов.

Первый этап Марша Мира планируеться начать от с. Дуиси, Ахметского района Грузии, с 23. 02. 2000г., и он пройдет через:
Азербайджан, Армению, Казахстан, Россию, Белоруссию, страны Прибалтики, страны Европы.

Всесторонне поддержать и по возможности стать участниками планируемого Марша Мира!
Только совместными усилиями народы Кавказа и мирового сообщества смогут сохранить наш Общий Дом прекрасную землью, экологию, добиться мира и согласия на нашей земле и процветания всех народов мира.
В добрый путь Мирный Кавказ!
Счет и адрес " Банка Грузии" -3,Pushkin St. 380007, Tbilissi, Georgia
SWIFT BAGAGE, acc.608477621
Acc. No. EUR 007070508 788070908$
002606074 лари
Президент Союза "Международного Координационного центра марша мира и мирных инициатив"
С.-Э. Ибрагимов

Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2000
From: sami ben cheikh <uutiset@crosswinds.net>
Subject: The chechenian news in finnish

Here are the latest news in Finnish from chechenia translated from the english and th swedish sites (www.kavkaz.org)

best regards

Subject: comment
Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2000 14:22:10 -0800 (PST)
From: rmpi <rm_pi@yahoo.com>


The Russians will pay for their cruelty - one way or
the other!  Such atrocities cannot go unpunished.

A Friend

Date: 10 Nov 1999


Dear Sirs,

As a represantative of the turks in germany I want to say, that we are ready for any help to free Ichkeria Chechenistan from the russians. Please let me know we can help. We know the chechens are fighting also for our security against the well known Moskof bastards.

But we are sure the Future will  be in a free and united islamic Caucasus without the Russians.

Murat Adigьzel
from Munich

We would be happy to see you in Germany!

Date: Fri, 05 Nov 1999 01:27:39 -0700
From: manujib <manujib@gateway.net>

My name is Mark Lewis. Along with other Native American/American Indian students, I am helping to make a web page that will have the message "We have to live together in peace and harmony!" translated into many languages. We want to include Nokhchi/Chechnya language. Can you help us or pass our message along to someone who would want to help us and be able to translate the message? Please contact me:

Mark H Lewis de Alcala de Foxall
the NO BOUNDARIES project
453 Van Gordon, 8-239
Lakewood, CO 80228-1210 USA

Date: Fri, 05 Nov 1999 12:49:25 -0600
From: Sister Felicia <webmaster@noihealth.org>

In the Name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful.
Peace Be Unto You.
Assalam Aleikum!

Two years have passed since the hostilities on the territory of the Chechen Republice Ichkeria were completed. Biennial war has left the ruins, poverty and illnesses . The tormented and disabled peoples is extremely requires the qualified medical aid.Two years ago the Ministry of Health of CRI were purchased a mobile hospital by the intermediary company "Nutako Ink ", USA. However, still the present time all expensive equipment of hospital is not using, since the called company didn't execute all contract conditions. At present we are required the software for computed tomography unit, medical toolkit for the equipment?. Beside that we are extremely needed in study our engineers in specialized centers for service the hospital. For luck of the absence of the financing of the Ministry of Health we are necessaried to address to all organizations and companies with the request to render us the real help for a solution of this problem.

Yours respectfully
Undersecretary of the Plenipotentiary of Ministry of Health in Russia
Islam N. Bashirov

***************** Item B **************************************
In the Name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful.
Peace Be Unto You.
As-Salaam Aleikum!

Undersecretary of the Plenipotentiary of The Chechen Republic of
Department of Health and Human Services
Dr. Islam N. Bashirov

Dear Dr. Islam N. Bashirov

Sir, as you may recall we communicated via email approximately one year ago concerning your mobil hospitals. You later thanked me for my offer
to help my brothers and sisters in the Chechen Republice of Ichkeria, but concluded that my help was not needed at that time.

I am contacting you today to extend to the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria Department of Health and Human Services the systems programing and
Internet services of the Nation of Islam Ministry of Health and Human Services.

Please tell me what you need in this area in order that we may be of assistance.

Your Family in Islam

As Salaam Alaikum

Sister Felicia A.B. Muhammad
Systems Manager
Nation of Islam Ministry of Health and Human Services
Department of Information Technology
(301) 563-6044


Received: From: "Mohammed Bouzidi" <sabra@online.no
9 Oct 1999

Essalam !
There are some muslims here who want to help . HOW ?
Thank .

Dear Mohammed Bouzidi
Contact Parliamentary Group Supporting Chechnya
residing in Lithuania - headed by Mr.Algirdas Endrukaitis
"Algirdas Endrukaitis" <alend@lrs.lt

Received: from Carlos <campoy_1@teleline.es
Thu, 30 Sep 1999

dear chechen friends:

I'm a journalist from Galiza, a little nation wich is actually a part of spanish State. Like chechen folk, we are fighting for our independency. I support your fight against russish domination. I would be very gratefull if you could send me some chechen folk tales. you can find me too in tyis address: combecha@yahoo.com thanks a lot

comba campoy


Received: from  "bengtsson" <bengtson@ebox.tninet.se
30 Sep 1999

Dear professor,

It is terrible what is happening to Your old country and countrymen. I am deeply sorry.

The situation gets worse by the hour and it is sad that there is no way of communicating with Chechnya.

May God have mercy with all the innocent victims.

Yours sincerely,
Arne Bengtsson


Received From: Datha5@aol.com
Sun, 22 Nov 1998

my name is Dali.

I have read a lot of information about Georgia, thanks to you. It was very interesting and halpful, I wanted to thank you for this.

Are you located in Finland?


Received: from imo13.mx.aol.com
Mon., 27 Jul. 1998








From: Edward Peters-Dickie <cgrs@pophost.eunet.be
Subject: All Georgian St. Illia the Righteous Society
Date: 10. July 1998
Purpose: information request

Dear Mr. Gugushvili,

The office of the Commissioner General for Refugees and Stateless Persons (CGRA/CGVS) is an independent administrative authority operating on behalf of the Ministery of the Interior. Its main competence is the examination on the merits of the requests of asylum seekers to be granted the status of refugee in Belgium.

First of all, congratulations for your very interesting web site! The purpose of my mail lies in some questions regarding "All Georgian St. Illia The Righteous Society" (A.G.S.I.T.R.S).

1. Is A.G.S.I.T.R.S a political party or an organization in Georgia?
2. Which are the goals of A.G.S.I.T.R.S?
3. When was A.G.S.I.T.R.S created?
4. Who are the leaders of A.G.S.I.T.R.S in Georgia?
5. Is A.G.S.I.T.R.S licensed by the Georgian authorities?
6. Is A.G.S.I.T.R.S represented at the Georgian Parliament?
7. How many members or supporters are there for the time being?
8. Can you describe the structure of A.G.S.I.T.R.S on a national level? What about abroad? Do you have representatives?
9. Is there a member card in Georgia? And abroad?
10. What is the address of A.G.S.I.T.R.S in Tbilissi?
11. What kind of problems do members of A.G.S.I.T.R.S face with the Georgian authorities? What about since the assassination attempt on the President Shevarnadze?

If you are unable to answer to my questions, could you give me the details of A.G.S.I.T.R.S in Georgia or abroad?

Thank you in advance for your kind cooperation.
Yours sincerely,
For the Commissioner General,
Assistant Adviser

AllGeorgian St. Ilia The Righteous Society
Dear  the Commissioner General,
Dear Mr. Edward Peters-Dickie
AllGeorgian St. Ilia The Righteous Society was established in 1996-1997 by Merab Kostava and Zviad Gamsakhurdia as a National Independence public organization fighting for National Independence of Georgia, decolonization and deoccupation from the Russian army. After the death of Merab Kostava (in masterminded by KGB car crash) in 1990 organization was leaded by Zviad Gamsakhurdia.
AllGeorgian St. Ilia The Righteous Society (officially registered as political organization in 1990) is a member of alliance of national independence political parties and organizations named "Round Table - Free Georgia" which gained First (last and lonely) free, multi-party and democratic elections of Georgian Parliament by 73% in Oct. 28th 1990. So, from the point of view of Western political standards, AllGeorgian St. Ilia The Righteous Society is a ruling party.
AllGeorgian St. Ilia The Righteous Society has its representatives in the Legal Parliament of Georgia, Legal Cabinet of Ministers and Legal local governments. In 1991 Z.Gamsakhurdia - Head of AllGeorgian St. Ilia The Righteous Society -- Speaker of the "Round Table - Free Georgia" was elected as Chairman of the Parliament and in May, 26th 1991 as the First President of Georgia by votes of great majority of Georgia's population (87% of votes) and in August 1991 member of Board of AllGeorgian St. Ilia The Righteous Society -- member of board (Round Table) of the "Round Table - Free Georgia" B.Gugushvili was appointed as the Prime Minister.
AllGeorgian St. Ilia The Righteous Society as the member of the "Round Table - Free Georgia" was initiator of the Referendum for Independence of Georgia in March 1991 (the first and lonely referendum among Kremlin's colonies on this most important problem for all the USSR) - which really destroyed this version of Russian Empire.
After putch and que d'etat of Dec. 1991 / Jan. 1992 organized by Kremlin and corrupted Western forces interested in Caucasian Oil -- by hands of criminals (3.5 thousand convicted criminals and narcomans - drug edicts were especially released from prisons and armed to be used against legal government) and Russian special forces, KGB -- General Legality and all Legal branches of State President, Parliament, Cabinet of Ministers and local governments were exiled, Constitution was abolished and colonial pro-Kremlin puppet 'government' was established. Legal branches of state were functioned in Chechen Republic. Two sessions of Parliament took place in Grozny during 1991-1993.
In 1993 due to the total and strong public Resistance and Civil Disobedience, and especially after high treason against Georgia in Abkhazia by criminal regime of Shevardnadze, General Legality was reestablished and the Legal Government renewed activity in Georgia (Western Georgia). Legal Parliament had two sessions in Zugdidi and from August 1993 President Gamsakhurdia and Cabinet of Ministers returned from exile. Board of AllGeorgian St. Ilia The Righteous Society  also was reestablished. Region of Restored Legal Government rapidly spread its influence over whole Western Georgia and towards Eastern Georgia, capital Tbilisi without any use of military force and bloodshed. There was not force inside Georgia which can over perform public resistance.
In October/November 1993 to save puppet regime of dictator Shevardnadze Kremlin started powerful armed intervention in the Western Georgia - Dzerzhinski Division and and landing forces from Sevasopol were sent and Legality in Georgia again was destroyed, Western Georgia was once again occupied by International Interventional Corps (Russia, Ukraine); President Gamsakhurdia was perished. Legal authorities were forced to exile, many of it's members including PM's were arrested, tortured and imprisoned.
Since the coup and que d'etat human and citisen rights have been rudely violated towards members of AllGeorgian St. Ilia The Righteous Society. They and even members of there families(!) were and are severely persecuted by regime -- forced for collaboration. Many of them were killed, tortured, 'disappeared', imprisoned; Much more were dismissed from jobs in state or private sector; Private businessmen who support Legal authorities are also oppressed and not given opportunity to work (they all are deprived sources of income, life), etc. Economic and social oppression is important and broadly used part of general repression used against supporters of Legality.
Many members of AllGeorgian St. Ilia The Righteous Society were killed and persecuted during Russian-Georgian war in Abkhazia and Samachablo (so called South Ossetia) by Russian guerrilla and special forces, by local separatist extremists.
All members of AllGeorgian St. Ilia The Righteous Society are included into secret "Black List" by political police of regime.
This facts are fixed by international Human Rights organizations and are well known.
Supporters of Legality are persecuted not only in Georgia, but they also are chased after in other parts of CIS. Many political prisoners in Georgia were captured, kidnapped and secretly eliminated by secret services in different cities of Russia and other CIS countries by renamed Georgian KGB some times without presenting any criminal charge.
At present there are branches of AllGeorgian St. Ilia The Righteous Society  in Georgia which are united on the ground of  general principles divided from the point of tactics. Organization is functioning inside the alliance "Round Table - Free Georgia".

From the point of view of all branches of AllGeorgian St. Ilia The Righteous Society

  • So called 'parliament', 'government' and 'president' of Georgia all are illegal,
    criminal, puppet, anti-National, anti-Georgian, colonial establishments; They
    are collaborative institutions of colonial rule of Kremlin;
  • Georgia is a colony of Russia incorporated in the 'new USSR' - CIS occupied
    by Russian Army; Russian Army in Georgia is occupational army;
  • General political statute of Georgia is the same as of so called Friendly
    Socialist States during presence of old USSR (East Germany, Poland,
    Chekho-Slovakia, Hungary, etc.).

From the point of interests of yours organization -- The office of the Commissioner General for Refugees and Stateless Persons (CGRA/CGVS) -- I call you to support members of AllGeorgian St. Ilia The Righteous Society as well as members of all other organizations of the alliance "Round Table - Free Georgia" seeking political or other asylum in Belgium.
Contact person in Georgia --
Member of Board of AllGeorgian St. Ilia The Righteous Society,
Member of board (Round Table) of "Round Table - Free Georgia",
Vakhtang Tsagareishvili
Georgia, Tbilisi
Tel: 36-32-72

Yours sincerely,

Subject: Re: Re: Chechnya
Date: Wed, 1 Jul 1998
From: David Russo <davidrusso@geocities.com

Here is the poem:

I will write you a longer email later, but that is the poem there. I hope you like it. Thank you.


Subject: help Georgian
Date: Tue, 23 Jun 1998
From: ftang@netscape.com (Yung-Fong Tang)
Organization: Netscape

BPG: Thanks for your great site about Georigian. We are currently enable Mozilla for Georgian, can you help ? Please take a look at www.mozilla.org/docs/refList/i18n/scripts.html


Subject: Chechnya
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998
From: David Russo <davidrusso@geocities.com

Hello, friend.

The Chechnya website is very good. I am sending this to you because your email address was on the web page; other addresses did not work. First of all, I just read a book about Chechnya and I realize how terrible the war was and the problems which your nation has faced.

I hope and pray for the peace and freedom of you country. I am something of a poet, and I have written a poem about Chechnya. I would like you send it to you.

Please email me; I would like to show you the poem and correspond with you about Chechnya. You can write in English, French or Esperanto. Thank you.

David Russo


Subject: From Tina K
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998


Date: Wed, 3 Jun 1998
Mr. Gugushvili's information (EGud@aol.com, Wed 22:27)

My name is Eduard Gudava and I have just read the information about recent events in Georgia.

Mr. Gugushvili dedicated a certain amount of time describing my own role in the rapidly unfolding events in the Republic of Georgia in the period before and after “perestroika”. Some facts are real (I am not saying about their interpretation) but the others are so fantastically wrong...

Could you, please, give my email address (which is Egud@aol.com) to Mr. Gugushvili? I will be more than happy to chat with him on Internet.

Thank you

Eduard Gudava...

Mr. Gudava,
You are free to write refutation, denial.
I'll dedicate some amount of time to publish it in "Shavlego" or "Caucasus".

Date sent: Sun, 10 May 1998
From: Mark <gta@globalserve.net
Subject: Grozny

Dear Sir:
I am writing to you, having found your site on the net, to sincerely request your advice or assistance with a personal matter.

My fiancee (pic attached) was born in Grozny in 1954. In order for us to be married she urgently needs to obtain a birth certificate. We have tried in vain to find someone who can tell us how to contact government officials in Grozny to determine if birth records are there or exist at all. We see that you represent the government of Chechnya.

Any advice, assistance or help you could give us would be most sincerely appreciated.

Yours very truly
Mark lewis

Dear Mark lewis
Try to connect Parliament:
Fax: +7-096-904-49-26
Tel: +7-096-904-49-37
Mr. Isa (Akhjad) Idigov
Parliament of Chechen Republic Ichkeria
Committee for Foreign Relations
Date sent: Sun, 10 May 1998
From: Mark <gta@globalserve.net
Subject: Re: Grozny

Thank you very much for your help!

Mark Lewis


From: "KARL-GORAN BOTTWYK" <90288862482C3@bibl.skelleftea.se
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 1998
Subject: Visa information

Official foreign affairs representative
of the President of Chechen Republic Ichkeria
Zelimkha Jandarbijev in Finland
Mr. Bessarion Gugushvili

Sir! I would be much obliged if you could forward information on how to get a visa for travel to the Chechen Republic Ichkeria. I&acute;m carrying a Swedish Passport.

Yours faithfully
Karl-Gцran I:son Bottwyk


Subject: Los Angeles California, per Aila Keppo.
Dear Professor Gugushvili,

I am 32 years old. I run a charitable foundation that provides social services to hospitals, that provide care to children with cancer. I have sent a variety of gifts to the Moscow Children's Cancer Center in the past. I have also been active in medical outreach to children affected by the Cheyrnoble accident.

I do not have any direct contact to Chechnya. Nor do I speak the language. It is my understanding that there is no representation for Chechnya in California. Aila has informed me that no Chechen representation exists in the U.S.A.
With this in mind, I would like to know what channels I should explore in order to see if I may send an official letter to an appropriate person in Chechnya, or wherever you would like me to send a letter. I would also need to see if the U.S. State Dept. would allow me to become involved with Chechnya.

I am a bit naive about this type of relationship. I have a business background and maintain two office suites in the Los Angeles area. I have a clear personal history and have financial resources to taken on a (voluntary) position as Honorary Concul.

I have read that when a country doesn't have a diplomatic representative in the U.S., another term, such as Charge de Affairs, or Dossier is or can be used. I mention this, that if one position is not available, another may be more appropriate.
I am sincere and interested in pursuing this request through proper channels. I look forward to hearing your thoughts sir.

Steven Firestein
Los Angeles, California USA


Date sent: Sat, 04 Apr 1998
From: Nasier Jaffer <nasier@iafrica.com
Subject: South Africa

I am a 27 yr old South African male. I would like to correspond with any interested chechnya person(s), who would like to discuss the "happeninings" of islam in their country.

Please refer interested parties to my email address nasier@iafrica.com



Date sent: Tue, 24 Mar 98
From: tippu <tippu@biruni.erum.com.pk
Subject: Greetings from Karachi/ Pakistan.

Honourable Sir, I was born on 21st April 1966. I am privileged to share my birthdate with the International day of Chechnya!

I wish to join in your celebrations for this day and offer my best wishes.

I would be honoured if I could be contacted on my below address:-

Tippu Sultan,
33/B, Lalazar, Queens Road, Karachi.


From: sfirestein@earthlink.net
Date sent: Sat, 21 Mar 1998
Organization: American Cancer Fund for Children, Inc.
Subject: Inquiry...


Does Chechnia have a Consulate in California?
Is there a position of Honorary Consul available in CA?
I was considering applying for an appointment of this kind.
Please get back to me as soon as possible.

I sincerely appreciate your assistance.

Thank you,
Steven Firestein
Los Angeles, California, USA


Date: Mon, 23 Feb 1998
From: stepstep <stepstep@isu.edu
Subject: Chechen Republic

I have followed the Chechen struggle for independence and I am now curious of the Chechen Republic's plan for economic growth. What kind of relationship does the Chechen Republic have with the U.S.? I would like to establish correspondence with the Republic and perhaps exchange ideas or information.

Steve Stephens


Date sent: Fri, 27 Mar 1998
From: "David T. Pyne" <DavidPyne@compuserve.com
Subject: Soviet Analyst

This is a great article. Where could I find additional articles from Soviet Analyst? Do they have a website. Please E-mail me if you know of any additional Soviet Analyst articles available on the Internet.

Thanks, David T. Pyne




From: POsborn133 <POsborn133@aol.com
Date: Sat, 24 Jan 1998
Subject: Caucasian Committee

Mr. Gugushvili - an inquiry

Would you happen to be related to a Mr. Gugushvili who was involved in an organization called the "Caucasian Committee" based in Paris during the 1930s and 1940s?

I have run across references to this man in some of my research but I have been unable to find any information on either him or the Committee itself (although I do know that the Committee had some connection to Noe Jordania). There appears to be very little in English about any of this, even about Mr. Jordania (whom I have been able to find only the briefest of biographical sketches).

Any information you might be willing to share would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you,
Pat Osborn


From: "vlwr" <vlwr@euronet.nl
Subject: Question
Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998

Dear Sir, Madam,

I am an associate of the Refugee Aid Council in Rotterdam, Holland. At the moment I am dealing with a client form Georgia. With regard to this, I am looking for information on Mrs. Dodo Telija/Turudzhadze, who, so my client says, is a relative of hers. Could you please confirm if mrs. Telija/Turundzhadze was/is an important memeber of the Zviadists in Georgia? Any info on her would be most welcome.

I hope that you can help me out and that you can send me an answer as soon as possible, as this is a rather urgent matter.

Thanks for your cooperation,

Andrй Wierenga
Refugee Aid Council,
Rotterdam documentation dept.
e-mail: vlwr@euronet.nl


From: "Mikhail Ramendik" <ramendik@hotmail.com
Subject: Please help! Need Georgian in Win95/NT
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 00:49:49 PDT


I have read your fine document on Georgian fonts.

Unfortunately, I failed to understand something there. I would like to set up Windows 95 or NT with Georgian language support - Unicode, keyboard and all. Would you be so kind to explain how I should do this?

It's a real urgent need - PLEASE HELP!

Thanks in advance.
Sincerely yours,
Mikhail Ramendik


X-Sender: zimmy@mail.dds.nl (Unverified)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 1997 11:13:35 +0100
From: "Peter A. Baan" <zimmy@dds.nl
Subject: Georgia, refugees in exile

Amsterdam, March 21 1997

Dear lady, sir,

After reading your webpages with the enormous amount of information on Georgia, the Georgians and their struggle (compliments !), I thought I should write you with a question.

For a Georgian friend of mine who's in exile in the Netherlands, I am looking for a video recording. It's a recording of a television broadcast of a meeting of the followers of Zviad Gamsakhurdia and their political opponents, in Tblisi, Georgia on September 21, 1991. This video recording would be of great importance for my friend as material in his court trial, in supporting his request for asylum.

Could you please answer me whether you know of the existence of such a videotape or whether you have any suggestion for a direction to continue my search for it?

I did already send e-mail to the Zviad Gamsakhurdia Society in the Netherlands, but didn't receive an answer yet.

I would be very grateful for your help and answer.

Peter A. Baan


Sender: kiosk@midway.uchicago.edu
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997
From: public access terminal <kiosk-user@lib.uchicago.edu
Organization: The University of Chicago Library
Subject: Political writings of Zviad Gamsakhurdia (in Georgian/English)

Dear Mr. Gugushvili, I am an American Caucasologist who is currently studying the relationship between Nik'o Marr and his defecting Georgian students around 1917 and the subsequent founding of fields of study distinct from Japhetidology in Tbilisi at that time (Caucasology, Kartvelology).

I am interested in doing further work in elucidating the relationship between Zviad Gamsakhurdia's thought and these intellectual predecessors, particularly the role that themes developed by both Marr and Javakhishvili separately or totgether play in Zviad's work. The thought of Georgia's ex-president is still very ill-understood in the west, and there is a widespread (mis) perception that it lacked coherence. I hope to show the opposite.

I am aware that Zviad wrote a number of ephemeral pieces in relation to the Mingrelian question and the Abkhazian question during his short period as president and before, but I do not have access to them, since I have been unable to return to Georgia since I developed these interests (I was in Georgia from 1992-3 during the Ossetian and Abkhazian conflicts).

I am a linguist whose specialty is Georgian, so I will be able to provide my own translations, though for ease of reference English sources are also desired. I would very much appreciate it if you could help me locate these materials, I would be immensely gratified to hear from you.

I can be reached by mail at hpm1@midway.uchicago.edu (I do not know if there is an additional address point after 'edu' for 'USA'). Any help you can provide would be wonderful, I look forward to hearing from you.

--Paul Manning
Department of Linguistics, University of Chicago,
Department of Anthropology, Northern Illinois University


From: "Richard Giedroyc" <rgiedroyc@coinworld.com
Subject: Ichkeria currency system
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 1997

Dear Mr. Gugushvili,

I found your name as the official foreign affairs representative of the president of Chechen Republic Ichkeria on the Internet.

I am the International Editor of Coin World, the largest weekly hobby publication in the world for coin collectors. I am seeking information on new bank notes for Ichkeria in "nakhar" denominations I have been told have been printed but not released.

Could you please provide information on the plans for currency (both coins and bank notes) in Ichkeria, what denominations may be released and when? Any information on coin or bank note designs is also appreciated.

Thank you.
Cordially, Coin World
Richard Giedroyc International Editor


Date: Sat, 26 Apr 1997 19:53:22 -0700
Subject: (Kein Bezug)
X-Sender: 08991077898-0001@t-online.de (Larissa Furtwaengler u. Georgie Kunta)
From: TGKunta@t-online.de (Tamerlan George Kunta)


I like to inform all my countrymen and all Muslim brothers and sisters and every honourable men that Prof. Dr. Abdurakhman Avtorkhanov paased away from this world on the 24 April 1997 He was a courageous fighter for truth, a faithful fighter for his country, an honourable scientist. Please inform every-one to remember him.

Tamerlan Kunta Avtorkhanov


Date: Wed, 30 Apr 1997 18:48:48 -0700
From: Tengiz Kapanadze <fs300602@Sol.YorkU.CA
Reply-to: fs300602@Sol.YorkU.CA
Organization: York University








Date: Mon, 03 Feb 1997 07:03:06 +0300
From: Zelimhan Magomadov <zelimhan@aha.ru
Organization: LaserNet

Hello My dear President!

My Name Zelimkhan too...

I love my country Ichkeria!



Date: Wed, 11 Dec 1996
From: kamkin <kamkin@igc.apc.org
Organization: Victor Kamkin Inc.
Subject: Hello, Introduction
Sender: kamkin@igc.org

I was visting your web site and thought you might be interested in some of the materials my compnay has to offer. We have the new book by Zelimkha Ianderbiyev on "Chechenia-Battle for Freedom" available.

Our URL is http://www.kamkin.com

Please take a look and let me know what you think. (Most of our material is in Russian, however).

All the best, James



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